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Half and Half: Symbol Edition – Roosters and Ba Gua

In response to The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: “Half and Half”, and “Symbol”.

Half black and half white, the roosters make a pair, reminding me of the Ba Gua symbol.

Interesting to note that the white is larger and plumper than the black.

white and black rooster

This scene struck me for three reasons.

First, I have not seen a rooster in real life for the longest time. I used to be able to hear the cock crow at dawn when I was younger, and lived opposite a mini jungle. I was upset when the State cleared the jungle to rise a condominium and a shopping mall.

Second, I was intrigued because I did not know that cockerels could be plump like this. I have only seen slimmer, more muscular, and taller ones that looked like they could fly and fight.

Third, the black and white cuts close to heart as it reminds me of the Ba Gua in Chinese Taoist Practice, bringing back childhood memories of my annual pilgrimage to Ah Cek’s House, featured in my entry for Weekly Photo Challenge: The Door.

The black and white Ba Gua is a symbol that represents Yin (dim ‘qi‘ or energy) and Yang (bright ‘qi‘ or energy) respectively. Black Yin and white Yang always come together but remain in two halves, just like how the living world – yang and the underworld – yin coexists but remain apart. A balance coexistence of Yin and Yang is important as it holds the key to peace in both realms.

yin and yang ba gua taoist symbol from course image 18144

[Stock image: Courseimage-18144]

The concept of Yin and Yang also runs into genders, and body types. Females are believed to be Yin, and males to be Yang. Cooler body types are believed to be Yin and warmer ones to be Yang.

If you would like to learn more, you could google for key words like “yin and yang”, “eight trigrams”, “taoism”, and “ba gua”.

Enjoy reading!

What is one symbol that represents a common belief in your culture? Comment to share!

[Photo: Taken at Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia, in 2014.]


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